
任务 and Competencies

Fellowship 任务 Statement:

纽约州立大学上州血液学/肿瘤学奖学金项目与纽约州立大学上州医科大学的首要使命——通过教育提高社区健康水平——无缝对接, biomedical exploration, and patient-centered 护理. 我们项目的主要目标是培养未来的血液学/肿瘤学医生,他们不仅具有卓越的能力,而且具有深刻的同情心.

Through a blend of didactic and 临床 components, our approach centers on the application of cutting-edge evidence-based medicine. 我们的教育框架是精心设计的,以使学员对血液学和肿瘤医学的复杂领域有全面而深入的了解. 这使他们能够在科学严谨的基础上提供宝贵的医疗服务, technical adeptness, informed decision-making, and unwavering professional ethics.

Furthermore, research stands as an integral facet of our program. By fostering a culture of inquiry, 我们授权学员为医学知识的进步和病人护理实践的改进做出贡献. 这种对研究的承诺不仅丰富了他们的学习经验,而且使他们能够推动血液学和肿瘤学领域的进步.

在本质上, our program transcends conventional education, 成型善解人意, 熟练的, 以及研究驱动的血液学/肿瘤学从业者,他们准备塑造医疗保健的未来.

 Fellowship Program Aims:

  • Physicians will be competent at practicing evidence-based medicine.
  • Physicians will be 临床ly competent upon graduation.
  • Physicians will demonstrate effective communications skills.
  • Physicians will demonstrate professional development and growth.
  • Physicians will demonstrate effective critical thinking/problem solving skills.
  • Physicians will be adept at critically appraising the medical literature.
  • 医生将有能力执行必要的程序,如骨髓穿刺/活检, 外围涂片, 对血液学和肿瘤学实践至关重要的鞘内化疗的管理.


Fellows must be able to provide patient 护理 that is 同情ate, 适当的, and effective for the treatment of health problems and the promotion of health. Fellows are expected to:

  • Learn the practice of health promotion, 疾病预防, 诊断, 护理, and treatment of men and women from adolescence to old 年龄, during health and all st年龄s of illness
  • 在与患者及其家属互动时,有效沟通并表现出关心和尊重的行为
  • Gather essential and accurate information about their patients
  • 根据病人的信息和偏好,对诊断和治疗干预作出明智的决定, up-to-date scientific evidence, and 临床 judgment
  • Develop and carry out patient man年龄ment plans
  • Counsel and educate patients and their 家庭
  • Use information technology to support patient 护理 decisions and patient education
  • 胜任所有医疗和侵入性程序认为必要的实践领域
  • 提供旨在预防健康问题或保持健康的保健服务
  • Work with health护理 professionals, including those from other disciplines, to provide patient focused 护理


Fellows must demonstrate knowledge of established and evolving biomedical, 临床, 流行病学, and social-behavioral sciences, as well as the application of this knowledge to patient 护理. Fellows are expected to:

  • 在临床情境中运用调查和分析思维方法
  • 了解并应用适合本学科的基础科学和临床支持科学
  • Are expected to learn the scientific method of problem solving, evidence-based decision making, a commitment to lifelong learning, and an attitude of caring that is derived from humanistic and professional values

Practice-based Learning and Improvement

Fellows must be able to investigate and evaluate their patient 护理 practices, 评价 and assimilate scientific evidence, 并在持续的自我评估和终身培训的基础上不断改进他们的病人护理实践. 奖学金学生应培养技能和习惯,以达到以下目标:

  • Identify strengths, deficiencies, and limits in one’s knowledge and expertise
  • Set learning and improvement goals
  • Identify and perform 适当的 learning activities
  • Systematically analyze practice using quality improvement methods, and implement changes with the goal of practice improvement
  • Incorporate formative evaluation feedback into daily practice
  • 定位, 评价, 并从与病人健康问题相关的科学研究中吸收证据
  • Use information technology to optimize learning, access on-line medical information; and support their own education
  • 参与对病人、家属、学生、研究员和其他卫生专业人员的教育
  • 使用系统的方法分析实践经验并执行基于实践的改进活动
  • 获取和使用关于他们自己的患者群体以及他们的患者所来自的更大群体的信息
  • 运用研究设计和统计方法的知识来评估临床研究和其他有关诊断和治疗效果的信息

Interpersonal and Communication Skills

研究员必须能够展示人际关系和沟通技巧,从而有效地与患者进行信息交流和合作, their patients 家庭, and professional associates. Fellows are expected to:

  • Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically sound relationship with patients
  • 运用有效的倾听技巧,用有效的非语言引出并提供信息, 说明, 质疑, 写作技巧
  • 作为医疗团队或其他专业团队的成员或领导者,与他人有效地合作
  • 与医生、其他卫生专业人员和卫生相关机构进行有效沟通
  • Communicate effectively with patients, 家庭, 公众, 适当的, across a broad range of socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds
  • Act in a consultative role to other physicians and health professionals
  • Maintain comprehensive, timely, and legible medical records, if applicable


研究员必须表现出履行专业责任的承诺, adherence to ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient population. Fellows are expected to:

  • Demonstrate respect, 同情, and integrity; a responsiveness to the needs of patients and 社会 that supersedes self-interest; accountability to patients, 社会, and the profession; and a commitment to excellence and on-going professional development
  • 表现出对提供或拒绝临床护理的道德原则的承诺, confidentiality of patient information, 知情同意, and business practices
  • 表现出对病人的敏感性和反应性,无论他们的文化如何, 年龄, 性别, 和残疾

System-based Practice

研究员必须表现出对更大的卫生保健背景和系统的认识和反应能力,以及有效地利用系统资源提供最佳价值的护理的能力. Fellows are expected to:

  • 了解他们的病人护理和其他专业实践如何影响其他卫生保健专业人员, the health 护理 organization, 更大的社会以及系统的这些元素如何影响他们自己的实践
  • Know how types of medical practice and delivery systems differ from one another, including methods of controlling health 护理 costs and allocating resources
  • 实行具有成本效益的医疗保健和资源分配,不损害医疗质量
  • 倡导高质量的病人护理,并协助病人处理系统的复杂性
  • Know how to partner with health 护理 man年龄rs and health 护理 providers to assess, 协调, 改善医疗保健,并了解这些活动如何影响系统性能
  • 与跨专业团队合作,加强患者安全,提高患者护理质量
  • 参与识别系统错误并实施潜在的系统解决方案